Gotta admit, each episode shows more and more improvement. before I get to the actual review, I'll give a run down of my option of each episode
ep1 introduced interesting system of self made sprite animation, but didn't establish series very well (was too confusing and had some cliche and annoying characters/moments)
ep2 a bit more straightforward than ep1 but had same cliche's, but interesting character set up
ep3 pleasantly surprised by ascetics and conversations flowed better, but development of characters felt rushed
ep4 the annoying characters from episode 1 became very enjoyable and nylock became quite funny
Now the Review
Episode 5 is definitely another episode with strong improvement.
What made this episode strong was how it emphasized the different character's quirks, with gamecrazed being the most balanced. he's shown not to be perfect or Over Powered, and is hinted to have some knowledge of the events. I also like how Kirb's ego finally get's the better of him and nearly get's him killed, still would have like if he showed more pain when he re-entered TOME.
The main plot involving the "forbidden power" is utilized the strongeset in this episode. even though people are saying they are getting hurt, it doesn't get redundant as the episode utilizes the fact that the power can harm anyone it touchest. also, the power is shown to be imperfect. it helps keep the series realistic (even though it's life on a game) and less redundant. The pasing in the episode was also good to.
Artwork and animation still good. liking that new characters that arrive, receive same quality of animation like any main character. I was thinking of going into this episode asking you to give the fighs more energy, but this one had some good timing.
My only problems would be the usage of locations and just a few character flaws. the characters are still found in Lavendera, which is just purple with a few dented rocks and the episode takes place in just one spot for 3/5 of it's running time (the flow of the character's conversation save the scene). have the characters take sanctuary in, well, the Sanctuary region of tome, or at least update the appearance of lavendera to look more diverse besides rocks and a few fields.
while I liked the fight very much and how you utilized flash to create more angles, I'd suggest making some of the explositons and blasts appear more edgy, quick and with a tad bit of weight to them. an example of this is the supermario bros z fights which had quick paced and energetic fights with very quick timing. not asking you to rip those fights off, nor am i demanding you to take inspiration for a different source, just giving an example to make the fights energetic.
Still felt lost a bit in the episode when new Zetto was introduced, but his purpouse was established well enough before the episode ended.
glad to see this series is heading into the main plot. It was the best episode so far and I can't wait to see more.